Dmitry Kovalёv.
In short:
Who is it?
The architect and designer with many years of experience,who worked as senior architect of a project, and a deputy chief of architectural studio,
and was a teacher of "Designing" subject at the university.
Winner, nominee and participant of international and Russian competitions and exhibitions.
Master of Architecture graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute.
Dmitry Kovalev.
What is offered?
Architecture and interior projects.Graphic design and advertising.
How to contact me?
In any way you prefer:phone:
I work mostly in Moscow region, but I am ready to visit almost any city or country if there is an interesting project.
And modern communication technologies make it possible to work via internet.
So, if you are not in Moscow, we still can work together.
In more detail:
I started to practice design at the age of 12, when I attended the "Industrial Design Section" of
"Moscow Center for Young Technicians".Several years later I entered Moscow Architectural Institute.
Worth noting the fact that at that time I was a graduate from physics and mathematics school and even a first-year student of "Mechanics and Mathematics" faculty of Moscow State University.
But creative work looked more interesting than math and so the choice was made.
I studied at "Industrial Architecture", "Residential and Public Buildings" and "Landscape Architecture" departments of the institute.
I defended "Architecture in extreme relief conditions" master's dissertation and thereby graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute as a Master of Architecture.
Having architects as my parents and grandmother, I became the third generation architect :)
When I still was a student, I became a member of International Association "Society of Designers".
When I was a postgraduate student I worked in "Discipline Global Architecture" studio for a couple of years.
I worked as an architect, a designer, a group leader, senior architect of a project, a deputy chief in creative work and personnel areas. So I created, designed, led the group, recruited personnel and was involved in the building process as a supervisor.
It was very interesting.
To make an impression of the "DGA" studio you can visit an archive copy of the studio website.
At the same time I teached at "Environment Design" department of Moscow University of Design and Technology.
I worked there for six years and I was a teacher of main "Designing" subject, including supervision of graduation projects; a teacher of "Spatial composition" and "Equipment" subjects and a lecturer in "Basics of Design Theory and Methodology" and "Engineering bases of design" courses.
My teaching activity still continues as I teach robotics (construction/engineering and programming) at Education center №654 and at UFRC robotics school.
So, for many years I practice architecture and design, make projects, teach and take part in different competitions and exhibitions.
Some projects I make by myself and some with the assistance of colleagues.
Here are other specialists who worked together with me on the projects in different periods of time:
Tatyana Ivanova (MSULM, architect),
Olga Ponomarenko (MArchI, architect),
Boris Vyshegorodskih (MArchI, architect),
Vsevolod Taranenko (MArchI, architect),
Alexey Rodkin (MArchI, architect),
And of course Natalia Kovaleva (MArchI, architect, city planner, landscape architect)
Also I would like especially mention our strong cooperation in the structural design area with Dmitry Gerasimov (BMSTU, engineer) and "Gerasimov project" company.
Now with all that information about me, feel free to visit other sections of the site to see my works.
"Dmitry Kovalёv" is actually "Дмитрий Ковалёв" in Russian, so in English it is rather common to see this name written as Dmitry Kovalev, but it is quite misleading as the Russian "ё" sounds not like English "e", but more like "yo", so it is more like Kovalyov with the accent on the last syllable. :)